Payment initiation

The Payment Initiation API guides you through the process of how to initiate payments with your Bank by submitting a payment batch in a supported format. You can also get a list of payment files, download files, and confirm a download is successful. You can reference your payment initiation request later with file name, file id, and bank account number.

A Payment Initiation transitions through several statuses as it interfaces with approval, Bank-specific routing and finally payment execution by your Bank.

1. Initiate payments

After the certificate and client system id are set up, you can initiate payments by including your client-system-id, file-name and file-format in the path as query parameters.

If you have not set up the certificate and client system id, please see Mutual TLS for details.

The payment data needs to be included in the payload as a binary stream.

curl --request POST \
     --url '<client_system_name>&file-name=<file_name>&file-format=<file_format>' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/octet-stream'
  "fileId": "2356253418408649",
  "filename": "file-name",
  "fileFormat": "PAIN_001_001_03",
  "checksum": "{sha-1}b170b8f6c5d93a1ddb5d32c2df8709bce621e040",
  "tenantId": "2356253418323968",
  "createdOn": "2018-10-18T06:37:35.036"